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In almost every picture #8

in almost every picture #8

In almost every picture #8 is one of the earliest successful photo blogs, a site documenting the story of Oolong, a Japanese rabbit whose unusually flat head made it ideal for balancing objects. Starting in 1999, hundreds of images were posted by Oolong’s owner, Hironori Akutagawa, each showing this otherwise ordinary creature with an unusual item placed squarely on his skull. The motivation behind these portraits remains unknown: an obscure comment on the human world from an animal perspective? Or simply a very unique record of friendship between man and pet? Whatever the case, Oolong’s site became a pioneer in the blogging field, part of a wave that helped democratize images in a way that would come to define photography in the Internet age. For the first time, widespread access to the web made it possible to access pictures previously only available to those willing to search out the quirky, beautiful and strange at specialist stores and galleries.