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Archive Land

archive land

Archives are often hidden and protected in basements and very complicated to access. This ‘Archive Land’ is a playful 3-dimensional interactive installation that invites visitors to actively look a freely associate with the images from the MAKK archive. The selection was made out of 25.000 images and pictorial plates.

The installation references and resembles an archetypical historical ruin. A ruin, just like an archive is often hidden away and not seen by anyone until an archeologist or museum steps in to bring it into the public eye.

The forms represented in the ‘ruin’ can be based on the objects/subjects of the images themselves.

For his project Archive Land Kessels has again re-appropriated a selection from the pictorial archive of MAKK (Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln).

The installation is supported by a sound exhibition of the UK artist Robin Rimbaud, better known as ‘Scanner’. He translated the archive into sound: a slow soundscape of a sonata.